In the search for my own ground and coming home to my Self, I have been blessed with the opportunity to study intuitive energy healing, bodywork and other spiritual practices from many gifted teachers.  I am profoundly grateful for these teachings.

My work has developed over the past 30 years through professional training as well as an ongoing spiritual and self-healing practice.  My approach to healing draws from and has been influenced by the teachings of Marion Rosen, Stanley Keleman,  Stephen Levine, Thich Nhat Hanh, Phyllis Pay, Francesca McCartney, Frances Vaughan, Eckhart Tolle, vipassana meditation, Sandra Maitri, the Enneagram, yoga,  Pema Chodron, Sri Aurobindo and the loving guidance of mother earth.  My work continues to evolve and grow over time.

I maintain a private practice in Berkeley, California offering Rosen Method Bodywork and Intuitive Inquiry.  I also offer consultations online.  I love teaching and offer workshops on body-centered intuitive awareness and grounding practices.

With the light of our spirits and the Spirit of the Universe guiding us, I believe everything is workable.  Everything.   Every painful experience.  Every moment of joy.  Or fear or confusion or anger.  More than ever, we are being called to tend not only to our own life and well-being, but to the life and well-being of this planet.  Ultimately, we are all One.

I am a dedicated humble optimist.  I am grateful to be of service when and where I can and to learn from my clients and students.  I  feel humbled by the daily practice of walking my talk.   And I am delighted to be on this journey.


Professional Intuitive 

Master Certification in Intuition Medicine® (MIM), from Academy of Intuition Medicine®, Sausalito, California (2003-2005).

Facilitator and Professional Intuitive, Intuitive Energy Center, Berkeley, California (1987-2000),under the direction of Phyllis Pay. Trained for 12 years as a facilitator for the use of energy perception and insight in processes of personal growth, understanding and healing.

Certified Bodyworker

Rosen Bodywork Practitioner, The Rosen Institute, Berkeley, CA (1991)

Certified Massage Practitioner, reSource, Berkeley, CA (1990)

Additional Training

Professional Hypnotherapist (Intuitive Hypnotherapy Institute, Berkeley, CA 1996)

CranialSacral Therapy Level I training, Upledger Institute, San Francisco, CA, 1995

Somatic Practice classes and workshops, including “Dreams and the Body I & II,” and “Taking Charge of Your Life” taught by Stanley Keleman, Center for Energetic Studies, 1998-2005.

B.A., Women’s Studies and History, University of California, Berkeley, 1983.


Member, ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals)

Member, Rosen Method Professional Association


“Miriam has taught me how to be present with each moment of life, listening with the wisdom of my body.  This simple act of responding from within has changed my life in miraculous ways. Miriam is a kind, gentle and thorough teacher … a true sage for intuition training.”      Karen B.

“Miriam’s touch is healing, her insights deep, her visual metaphors wellsprings of beauty and love. She listens, and in listening teaches us to hear our own inner voices. She speaks, and in speaking gives us permission to be whoever it is we are in the moment in which we find ourselves. There is no judgment, no indoctrination, no “right way.” She taught me that I could meditate while walking the dog or lying in the tub; even if I never sat at the altar I made for myself, I was meditating every time I looked at it and felt at peace.”      Ramsay B.

“Miriam is a gifted intuitive and a warm and compassionate human being.  Her empathic presence is healing in and of itself.  Miriam offers various paths to connecting with one’s Spirit, or Wholeness.  Her guidance is both gentle and penetrating.  I highly recommend her work.”       Nancy O.